At ArsenaliT, we offer  our expertise in developing customized solutions for a wide range of wireless and mobile technologies. Convergence and integration are the new sections in the field of mobile technology and those technologies are pacing towards the applications conversions into a single multi purpose device whereby your mobile phones can be used to connect a remotely placed system.
ArsenaliT's consultants will first study your product requirements to come up with a solution proposal to solve all your requirements with a user-friendly approach. After getting your approval, our highly experienced developers use their technical competencies to develop a cutting edge mobile application within a timeframe and specified budget. Our BeyondOI's consultants & developers will provide full-cycle application services starting from requirements formulation to development and support. Absolutely the choice is yours, whether you can use easy-to-deploy mobile solution for you business improvement or you can extend the target market of an existing software using that application.
We provide

  • Mobile Application development
  • Android - Google mobile hosted solution
  • Application Porting and Localization
  • .NET & J2ME Framework
  • Connected and Disconnected Mode Application
  • Synchronization with your Enterprise Database
  • Integration with Enterprise Database using XML / Replication
  • OMA download/OTA provisioning applications